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Mark is an archivist and historian who works at the renowned Wairarapa Archive in Masterton, New Zealand.

Mark studied History and Defence Studies at Massey University and has since published eight books and has written for numerous newspapers, magazines and journals in New Zealand and across the world.

More recently he finished a book on when the United States Marine Corps were camped in Wairarapa in 1943 which was released on February 17 2023. He has just finished the second of a two-volume set on the Masterton Golden Games which will be released in June 2024.


Photo © Adam Simpson 2022

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During 40 or so years working as a news reporter and editor both in New Zealand and in Australia, Don Farmer came across many stories that tickled his fancy but didn’t fit a serious news format, and made a promise to himself to one-day write them.
Now, having retired,he has done so producing this his second book Rummaging Through Life’s Scrapbook.
Having had great success with his first book Walking Back to Happiness which was largely a look at his life as a little boy growing up in Greytown, Wairarapa, Don has this time set about writing up the entertaining, often humorous short stories stored away in his mind, or on scraps of paper, for decades.  
Having left behind a  working lifetime covering issues such as the Abbotsford slip disaster, the 1981 Springbok tour, the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior, numerous murder trials and general mayhem Don is content to take a deep breath and enjoy the somewhat lighter side of life while remaining true to the truth of the topics covered in his latest book, using the real names of real people.
When not writing he enjoys the company of his wife Kate and cat Truffles, gardening, watching rugby on TV, horse racing, reading history and raising a collection of animals on their Tararua property.

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