by Mark Pacey
The Wairarapa coast is treacherous, claiming its fair share of ships. The first Pākehā vessel to be lost was the whaling barque David, in 1841. Many
others have followed.
Written during the Covid lockdowns, each chapter in this informative book is dedicated to a single vessel, from the early arrival of Europeans through to modern tragedies.
"The Lost Wrecks of Wairarapa tells the story of 78 vessels that found out just how dangerous this part of the country can be." Fifty of the chapters were originally published as a series of articles in the Wairarapa Times-Age.
The author says his book is: "a testament to the ships that met their fates off our coast, and though many have been lost to time, they (will)
never be forgotten".
"It has been an honour to be able to tell the stories of these vessels and the men that served on them."